Posts Tagged ‘Holidays’

How Many Ways Could You Use a Christmas Tree?

Christmas is here.Creative Commons License Val Wroblewski via Compfight

Hi Readers!

I recently just posted a Christmas post on my blog, but I am obsessed with the this season so I wanted to write another one! So today I am going to write about something a little bit different. How many ways could you think of using a Christmas tree? Here are mine!

  1. Are you ever in desperate need of a hair brush. Well it’s Christmas time so you could just ask for a new one….. Or you just go up to your cut of a nice big furry piece of your green healthy tree! Just go ahead and brush away!
  2. Do you have the largest most biggest cotton candy maker but you don’t have any sticks large enough to put it on. Well just grab a average sized Christmas tree and go ahead and make the most huge cotton candy stick ever!
  3. Make Christmas tree ornaments out of your Christmas tree. No need to go out and buy ornaments but just make your own! All you have to do is cut of a couple little pieces and tie some string around them and there you go! 2 in 1. Buy one Christmas tree and still have decorations for it.

So what did you think of my 3 ways to use a Christmas tree. None of these are very serious, but I thought it was kind of funny. Don’t forgot to comment and tell me your creative ways to use a Christmas tree.

Merry Christmas!
